At Canadian Free we strive to find you the best deals, coupons, and free samples that we can find. We do our best to attempt to weed out the bad ones. But we can not guarantee that you will receive a freebie or coupon that is posted.
We at Canadian Free – Do Not mail coupons or the free samples.
Contests: The only thing we send out are the prizes we provide our selves. Sometimes these are “sponsored” and the sponsor will be mailing them out. We will help where we can for when you don’t receive a prize that is from our Giveaway Page. For other Contests – We don’t control their prizes or contests – Suggest you contact the sponsor or Host personally
We do NOT sell your information – IF you belong to our newsletters – you will only be emailed from us.
I suggest for freebie applying and entering contests and such – to get another “email” address so this way you will not be overwhelmed to your personal email account.
If at any time you don’t want your “daily” newsletter – simply hit the unsubscribe button.
If you do not want to receive the newsletter from the forum – Simply go to the User CP panel – and check off not to receive any emails from admin.
I hope this clears up any confusion.