Finding a Cheap Hobby During Social Distancing |




For many people, including us Canadians – we are not used to being told to stay home and not to socialize.  Especially those people without a spouse or children.  It’s a very lonely place for these social butterflies that echo silence and possibly drive them into anxiety and depression. So Please – Call your Single Loved ones – Don’t just text them – Seriously, most data plans include free calling.

Do you remember a Grand Parent telling you, “Idle  Hands prevents a Devil’s Playground?” 

I think the meaning of that is “Prevents Depression and Anxiety”  and helps prevent Mental Health issues.

So let’s Keep Our Hands Busy to keep our Minds Happy

Finding a Hobby

I realize no one wants to spend money at a time of a crisis – but I’m going to help a few of you today find something that may be worth a look to help you come up with something to help fill your day.

Perhaps this may inspire an idea for you or a loved one that to reduce their anxiety! 

Finding a Cheap Hobby During Social Distancing |

Dremel Wood Carving or  Etch Glass

A Dremel is not expensive, and Dremels have been around forever – chances are if you called a few friends – someone has one sitting in their garage collecting dust that they wouldn’t mind you borrowing. The Best Wood is FREE wood, and you can go collect driftwood; ask anyone with a fireplace if they have any rounds they could cut you off.

An Awesome Guy to get some Great Tutorials from is Jordy Johnson from Carving Fusion, a Canadian Power Carver who lives in British Columbia. His Youtube Channel is a great place to start.

Finding a Cheap Hobby During Social Distancing |

Learn to Take Better iPhone Pictures!

You don’t need to learn to be a photographer, but hey, most of us have an iPhone, and they mostly have great photo-taking ability. A great idea you can also do as a family. Start going for walks and snapping pictures and come home to compare.

A great way to take some free iPhone Photography courses is through Skillshare –   Premium access   ( 2 Months Free but will need to use the credit card to access

Also, through Skillshare are several other tutorials and classes on many things such as cooking and other hobbies and learning new software.


Finding a Cheap Hobby During Social Distancing |

Rock Painting

Rock Painting can be super easy or super challenging, depending on what level you are trying to achieve. Many Adults are into doing Dot Mandalas, which there are many tutorials on Youtube on how to get started. All you need is some paint ( Dollar store has colours for $1.00 or $2.00 or purchase a set of paint markers if you don’t already have a game. Many folks find this very relaxing and great for those that have a little OCD. Rocks can be found near river banks and alongside gravel roads.



Finding a Cheap Hobby During Social Distancing |

Paint By Number

Many Dollar Stores and other places you can purchase hobbies will also carry projects like Paint by Number for Kids and Adults.   Also, you can shop for Paint by Number projects  – 

Finding a Cheap Hobby During Social Distancing |

Jigsaw Puzzles

Another great way to handle a few days of Isolation to help stress relief is to do a Jigsaw Puzzle – it keeps the hands and brain busy.  You can decide the number of pieces to do – Also can be a great Family Project or a solo project.

Again you can find at local stores that carry hobby and craft items or use good ole Amazon to find a Jigsaw Puzzle of your liking. 


clay hobby

Clay Hobby

Working with clay is very relaxing and feels good while you’re kneading it in the palm of your hand.  There are two types of Clay – Air Dry and Oven Baked.  Air Dry you will or can paint after 24 hours of drying, and oven-baked clay usually is coloured and does not require painting.  Das Clay is known as Poor Mans Clay, and if you add White Craft Glue to it, it can help keep from drying out too quickly on you as you work it and provides less cracking.  There are several Youtube Tutorials found for “Air Dry Clay.” 

Polymer Clay is famous right now – and you can purchase kits for $35.00  that will give you a bit of each colour.

Clay is not just for kids – Many Jewelry makers use Polymer Clay as their base, same with Model Makers and more.  Check out these Youtube Tutorials to get started on making Polymer Clay Jewelry. 


So Remember to Check in with your loved ones and ask what they are doing with their spare time. Maybe your Grandma needs some yarn to knit or Crochet  – Not everyone can be tied to Netflix all day, every day.