Amazon Prime Members Get Door Dash Pass for FREE for a year
Take advantage of a fantastic deal at DoorDash and enjoy $0 delivery fees for an entire year! As an Amazon Prime member, you’ll also receive welcome bonus codes that save you up to 50% on groceries. If you’re an Amazon Prime member or considering signing up, you can get a DashPass for a year with $0 delivery fees. This offer is applicable even if you already have a DashPass.
You can cancel anytime, but you will get a year’s deal if you sign up now!

Dashpass  Amazon Pass Promotion

  • $120.00 Value ( $9.99 x12) for FREE
  • 3 Coupon Codes for 50% off your orders ( Ends July 31, 2023)
  • Future Savings of 20% off Restaurant Orders
  • Free Delivery Fees
(We are an Amazon Affiliate and may earn a commission if you make a purchase )
If you are unfamiliar it is similar to Skip the Dishes and Ubereats. 
What’s the Fuss about Door Dash?
 With you can order from local restaurants and fast food joints that do not provide delivery services.  You can track your order quickly and select contactless delivery with curbside pickup.
Door Dash Coupon Code for Amazon Prime Members
Door Dash also offers Express Deals, allowing free delivery on orders over $15 at participating restaurants.  Sometimes you can unlock exclusive rewards when your orders reach a certain amount.
You can also save money with the Door Dash Savings Program ( Called the Dash Pass), where you can get discounts of up to 20% on select restaurants and access offers like free desserts and drinks or even free meals depending on the restaurant offers
Finally, DoorDash has also teamed up with grocery stores, giving you access to fresh produce, pantry essentials and more with just a few clicks. With their exclusive Grocery Delivery Pass, you can get free delivery on all grocery orders over $35!
So why not give DoorDash a try today? Enjoy convenient food delivery with significant savings and lots of rewards! Plus, you can rest assured that your orders are handled with 100% contactless delivery for maximum safety.
Especially if you are already an Amazon Prime Member! It is free for a year as long as you are a prime member. If you don’t like Door Dash within the time frame, cancel.
But if you forget to cancel your Door Dash Pass – you will be billed $9.99 monthly.
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