Who Screams for Ice Cream? Last year, a new Canadian brand hit the shelves with “Sweet & Nice ice Cream, which Sweet and Nice can find at some grocery stores. Since we are all about helping you save money, especially at the grocery store, we found it here.
Sweet and Nice Ice Cream Coupon
This coupon is valid for their Neales Sweet n Nice Ice cream.
- Save $1.00 off their Ice Cream Products.
This product can be found at Sobeys, No Frills, Metro, Freshco, Longos, Foodland, Federated Co-op, Your Independent Grocer, and Provigo.
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Limit one coupon per item purchased. Offer valid only in Canada.
TIP: This Ice Cream can be spotted on sale for $5.49
Sweet & Nice Ice Cream Flavours
The Flavours of Ice Cream of Sweet N nice are the following.
- Coconut
- Mango
- Pineapple Coconut
- Guava/Passion Fruit
- Rum & Raisin
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History of Sweet and Nice Ice Cream
It all began with the founder’s grandfather back in the 1940s in Trinidad. He was the man that had his “Secret Recipe” that helped support his family till the 1980s when he passed away, but he did leave his recipe to his family, and they continue to keep Sweet N Ice Cream Alive.
His Grandsons then Launded the ice Cream to approximately 20 stores in the Toronto Market,
The founders appeared on the Dragon’s Den in 2015, Introducing the Sweet N Nice Icecream to the Dragons and all Canadian viewers.