Are you in need of some extra living space? Perhaps a place to host guests or store all of your outdoor gear? If so, you should enter the contest from to win a super cool log cabins!
These structures are perfect for anyone looking for a different spot to relax or work outdoors. Enter today for your chance to win!
You may have spotted on The Dragon’s Den or HGTV before. They create kits for homeowners, and here’s a great way to increase your revenue if you have a property for an Air B N B, or perhaps just as a guest home or SHE-SHED!
Win Log Cabins from Bunkie Life
“The Bunkie 2025 Contest”
Win a $21,995 Small Cabin Bunkie
AWWW! Aren’t these adorable?
Introducing the 14th Official Bunkie Life…Giveaway! has been doing these giveaways every year for many years now! This year in 2025, they are giving away a Bunkie for FREE AGAIN!
Enter to Win a $21,995 Sprucewood Lodge Bunkie!
A bunkie is a small cabin at a cottage or home property for extra space. The model they are giving away has 150 sq. ft on the main floor and 184 sq. ft. in the loft.
You can win just by entering once (no purchase necessary). To increase your chances of winning, earn extra points by taking various actions. Share your link with your friends and family to get the most points.
Get as many points as you can to increase your chances of winning.
The top 10 people with the most points will get prizes too!
About the Prize:
The Grand Prize available in this Sweepstakes consists of
- one (1) Bunkie Life Sprucewood Lodge With Loft with an approximate retail value of $21,995 (USD and CAD).
The Grand Prize includes the complete Sprucewood Lodge With Loft building kit and support from the Sponsor’s build team who will provide virtual consultation during assembly.
The Sponsor will also assist with coordinating shipping arrangements to the Grand Prize winner’s designated delivery address.
The $21,995 Grand Prize includes the complete Sprucewood Lodge Bunkie Kit:
• The base of the Bunkie is 10? x 10? and the Loft is approx 13? x 10?
• The loft is 82″, tall enough to stand up in!
• All logs are kiln-dried premium grade Northern Spruce and are pre-cut, notched and interlocking
• 5 Double pane windows for energy efficiency
• Tongue and groove wooden floorboards and roof boards
• Premium hardware including keyed door handle
• Pressure-treated floor sleepers
• Building instructions (written and video)
• Kit is manufactured in Rockwood, Ontario
Prize does not include delivery
Prize does not include installation.
Bunkie kit can usually be installed in a few days with family & friends!
How to Enter
You will have to enter your name and email address!
Then you can get tons of bonus entries with social media, listening to podcasts, etc., and referrals.
Good Luck!!
Contest Rules:
- Open to Residents of Canada and the U.S
- Excludes Quebec
- Age of Majority
- Single Entry
- Bonus entries available
Click Here to Enter (Referral)
Click Here to Enter (Non-Referral)
The Contest Ends on January 26, 2025
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