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Veseys seeds catalogue 2023
The following FREE Catalogues are currently available:
- 2023 Spring Bulbs & Perennials
- 2022 Veseys Seed Catalogue
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About Vesey’s
Vesey’s been one of the oldest Seed Distributors – Going back to 1939. You probably remember your mom or grandma ordering her seeds as a child. I know my mom always did her ordering every year through them.
I Loved to help my mom garden back as a child—the fun of ordering seeds. I also remember enjoying opening the seedboxes and getting dirty in the planting process. Not to mention the garden’s beautiful treats – such as Carrot pudding and eating peas off the vine!
Do you remember pulling a carrot out of the ground – wiping the dirt off your jeans and chewing on it?
Veseys is located in York, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
In 2003 Versey’s began getting into bulbs (Flowers) – Mostly Rose Bushes and flowering bushes and this company have continued to flourish since!
14 Responses
I want to order seeds please send me the order form Thank you
so, I see a lot of comments/complaints, but no responses. do you fix the problems? I will not order from you until I have a response.
Please contact the company directly. We are not the sponsor of this promotion, we only share promotions with our fans.
I ordered a pkg. of 3 Dahlias and there was only 1 in pkg. I also ordered a pkg of 3 coneflowers and again only 1 in pkg. This was a fundraiser for Trinity United Church, Hale St. in London Scout group. I’m upset and would like replacements for these two pkg. Is that possible?
there is no Form Submit button so even if you fill out the form you can’t submit it or receive seeds
I have receive the pack of seeds and I planted them last year, did not see any plants growing from them or even this year.
Hi I would like some seeds planting my garden now Putting in all new soil nothing but flowers!!!
What variety of wild flowers are in the “Bee friendly wildflower mix packet “? What are their maximum heights?
Wondering when the wildflower surpose to arrive to help feed the honey bees
Kathy, Please contact the company directly with your questions. We are not related to the company. We have simply share the info with our fans.
Am I able to request the seeds in the USA?
Hi Phyllis:
You will have to contact the company directly with your question. Good luck, hope you find the cottoncandy lilac tree.
Do you have a cottoncandy lilac tree