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    About Rolaids:

    Rolaids is an antacid brand manufactured by Chattem, a Chattanooga, Tennessee, manufacturer and marketer of over-the-counter healthcare products, dietary supplements, medicated skin care products, toiletries, and topical analgesics.

    In 2013, Sanofi purchased the Rolaids brand from McNeil Consumer Healthcare, owned by Johnson & Johnson. In turn, the brand was acquired from Pfizer Consumer Healthcare in 2006. In September 2013, Chattem reintroduced Rolaids in the market with new packaging and trade dresses.

    Roads were developed by Irvine W. Grot, an American chemist, in the 1920s and manufactured under Chattem in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Their tablets have various flavours, including cherry, berry, peppermint, fresh mint, cool mint, tropical fruit, punch, and apple.

    The active ingredients in Rolaids are calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide. The inactive ingredients are dextrose, polyethylene glycol, sucrose, magnesium stearate and pregelatinized starch.

    What is Heartburn:

    Heartburn occurs when the opening between the stomach and esophagus malfunctions, allowing stomach acid to enter the esophagus.

    The primary symptom of heartburn is a painful, burning sensation in the chest.