Vinegar is a liquid produced via the fermentation of ethanol in a process that yields its main ingredient, acetic acid. This acid helps with the usefulness of vinegar in household tasks; below is a list of the top 10 uses for vinegar.
Top 10 Uses for Vinegar
So as you can see, vinegar is a very great and cost-effective chemical to keep around the house and help you out with many tasks.
1. Cleaning your Shower Head
All too often, your shower head over time fails to function as it once had due to lime deposits caused by the water that runs through it day after day; a simple solution is filling a plastic bag full of vinegar and tape it around your shower head and leave it there overnight making sure that the head has fully emerged. The next day removes the bag and uses a brush to remove any deposits that may remain.
2. Mildew Removal
If you are getting mildew on your plastic shower curtains, put them in your washing machine with light-coloured towels and add about a cup of vinegar to the detergent and wash.
3. Softening Laundry
One of the great Uses for Vinegar is Softening Laundry.
If you’re looking for a frugal and natural way to soften clothes, reduce laundry odors, and more look no further than vinegar. The best vinegar for laundry uses is distilled white vinegar, since it is colorless, and therefore contains no tannins or other additives that could discolor clothing.
Add about 1.4 cups of vinegar to your laundry loads to soften your laundry without leaving any odours.
4. Window/Mirror Cleaner
Make a half vinegar and half water solution, put it in a spray bottle, spray the surfaces that need to be cleaned, and wipe them dry.
5. Pet Odor Neutralizer
If you have pets in your home, you will be all but too familiar with some of the mess and odours they can leave. Make a 1 part vinegar solution to 3 parts water and pour on stained areas to remove stains and odours.
TIP: NEVER RUB; this will mix the stain into the fibres, making it worse instead of Blot.
6. Anti Bacterial Cleaner
A completely Green alternative to some of the harsh chemicals you can buy. It will kill 99% of bacteria, about 82 percent of moulds and 80 percent of germs and viruses found on household surfaces.
7. Cosmetic Uses
You can use vinegar as a facial cleanser, help with itchy skin, as a low-cost toner, and help control oily skin.
8. For the Hair
Vinegar can leave your hair smooth and silky and restore shine; you will want to use it once weekly or up to 3 times a week. To make vinegar, rinse, add one cup vinegar to 2 cups warm water and add in essential oil (such as tea tree oil, optional) and work with your fingers into your hair.
9. Gardening and Weed Control
Some plants like azaleas, rhododendrons, hydrangeas and gardenias thrive on the acids in vinegar, so adding a little white distilled vinegar solution to them once in a while will help them thrive.
It also helps to increase the acidity of the soil in general. Weeds can be killed by spraying them with pure vinegar, a cheaper alternative to expensive chemicals.
10. Uses for Vinegar: Rust Remover
Vinegar will eat through the rust and expose the beautiful shiny metal underneath. Uses for vinegar as a rust remover is provenly effective.
You can use white vinegar for effective rust removal. The rust reacts with the vinegar and later dissolves. Simply soak the rusty metal object in white vinegar for a couple of hours and then just wipe to remove the rust.
Another solution to cleaning rust is to uses for vinegar-soaked aluminum foil to remove rust from the object. Using regular vinegar is also an option, however, it will take longer to remove the rust. Try to soak the object in ordinary vinegar for 24 hours; Uses for vinegar will reduce the amount of scrubbing that would be required.
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