Field Agent Canada – Paid to use your SmartPhone
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Tips for Earning Money on Field Agents in Canada
Not that it matters, Field Agent is both in the USA and has been in Canada for several years. A field agent has had a few bad reviews from a few Canadian bloggers, but the problem is just because you didn’t make money from it, or perhaps were denied a completed offer, doesn’t mean the company is fake.
Side Hussle Not Income Replacement
First of all – You can not replace your income! Let’s get that out of the way; you might get an offer or two a week; look at it as a well-detailed survey to take. You might spend 10 minutes out of your week to complete a $5.00 task. ( more or less) It all really varies on the offer that participating in your local area.
Following Field Agent Instructions
This is where the negative reviews come into place, some people ( bloggers included) get lost, and this is where your time will be wasted, and you will be upset and be a Negative Nancy about the company in general.
Read it a minimum of twice!
You will need to read the instructions very carefully and take a good look at the product picture you need to take. You will need to be able to replicate the exact picture placement of what they are looking for.
Please make sure you look at the address at the bottom before accepting a job assignment, as there may be more than one store in your area, but they only want the assignment done in specific stores in your Canadian province.
Picture Taking Tips
Do Not use Zoom. Get close up to the product. Using zoom, your picture loses many pixels, which is where some of the problems come into place when getting denied your assignment payment.
If, by chance, the store doesn’t have the product or the placement is not correct, you need to check the “ALT picture box. “and take a picture of the aisle it’s supposed to be found in and check the Alt box.
You may feel silly, standing in an aisle and shaping a picture. To help with this, make sure your phone is on vibrate so nobody can hear you taking pictures, reducing the stares.
If the aisle is too busy for some reason and you can’t get to the product for the picture, you have 5 minutes to cancel the job without losing points.
Cancelling job audits right away is important to allow other field agents the opportunity to do the job, as well as it looks better for you as an agent to cancel than it is to let the time expire and do nothing because the more jobs you bail on, the more options you fill fewer opportunities to do paid reviews. Don’t let your Rating fall below 75, or you won’t get any more Tasks to earn money on.
Take the Field Agent Course!
There is a free course you can take right inside the mobile application. The time allotted is 2 hours, but I’m sure it won’t take that long, depending on fast you can read and follow along, as some things may be basic for some people, and some people need step by step with full explanations for tasks.
Screener Surveys!
Upon downloading the mobile application, you will see 9 Screener job audits pay nothing for your time, but it helps to learn and practice and get to know you better as a consumer and your personal shopping habits. Taking these surveys can help unlock more jobs for you in the future. They each say 2 hours, but it’s swift and simple for each survey. It took me a whole 10 minutes to complete 5 surveys. They give you a 2-hour window to finish if you accept.
If you love Surveys: Check out the following.
Costco Scavenger Hunt
There is always a minimum of 10 items to hunt for at Costco. You will need a Costco Membership to participate in the hunt.
Each Costco Canada, specific item job task, is a $3.50 payout.
No Jobs Available Screen!
No surprise in 2020, for the lack of surveys and other tasks for being a field agent in Canada, but companies are struggling as well; I think there are few retail tasks just based on the current economy overall. But it’s not Field Agent’s Canada fault, as it’s not like they are getting paid if there are no tasks available for you either.
It could be a lack of tasks based on your region or your survey questions for finding more tasks.
If you live outside a larger center, when you change locations and go to a larger center, check out the job notifications again, as there may be a task just outside your radius.
Keep your agent score above 75, or you may not get any more tasks to complete.