With this Pure Protein Coupon, women interested in gaining muscle and power may save money. The pure protein coupon will allow them to acquire whatever they choose at a lower price. It’s ideal for those on a budget or just looking to save money!

Pure Protein Coupon for Canada

  • Save $1.00 on your next purchase of any Pure Protein product

It is available in Print format only from the save.ca site.

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This Pure Protein Coupon is valid while quantities last
Pure Protein Coupon for Canada

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Pure Protein Prices across Canada

With this Pure Protein Coupon, women interested in gaining muscle may save money. They can acquire whatever protein they choose at a lower price.

Real Canadian Superstore

Pure Protein bars ( 6pk) can be found on sale for $6.99 and are regular $8.82

Walmart Canada

Pure Protein 100% Whey Vanilla Cream Protein Powder 2lbs $19.99 Regular price

Saving Tip! 

It will be best to use the bars to maximize percentage-based savings as it’s the cheaper price.

 PureProtein – A Review

Getting enough protein is essential for anyone looking to improve their physical health and fitness. Protein provides the building blocks for muscle tissue, after all. There are many ways to get protein into your body, but one of the most convenient is using protein shakes and bars.

PureProtein’s formula is simple but effective. It contains Whey Protein Isolate, Sunflower Oil, Natural Flavors, Maltodextrin, Gum Acacia, Xanthan Gum, Salt, Sucralose, and Acesulfame Potassium.

When it comes to taste, PureProtein does not disappoint. The chocolate flavour is rich and decadent without being too sweet. All of the flavours are well-balanced and enjoyable to drink. If you usually find protein shakes too thick or chalky-tasting, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by PureProtein’s smooth texture.