Stores that Price Match Canada

Yes, did you know you can Price Match in Canada using your Flyers! Some stores will go above and beyond by giving you an additional percentage off if you catch a sale somewhere else and will give you money back!

The landscape has changed now when it comes to grocery shopping, and Yes, even you can price match while grocery shopping with select grocery stores that offer price matching.

Canadian Grocery stores

Grocery Stores that Price Match Canada!

It was big news when Walmart changed their price match policy in October 2020, leaving the price-conscious grocery shoppers scrambling for a new plan. Still, a few stores took it upon themselves to promote their Price Match policy, such as certain Loblaw umbrella stores No Frills and Real Canadain Superstore.

No Frills:

Canada Stores that Price Match List | Price Match Canada

No Frills has grocery stores in all provinces but in Quebec. The price Match policy “Won’t Be Beat” policy applies if a major grocery store within the store’s regional geographic trade area offers a lower price on any item they carry in their store, showing them the competitor’s flyer. They will sell you the item at the same price.

Canada Stores that Price Match List | Price Match Canada

Real Canadain Superstore ( RCSS) has grocery stores in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and the Yukon Territory. ( Atlantic provinces have a different Umbrella called Atlantic Superstore, but generally follows the same rules)

you can find the Price match policy at the bottom of every flyer. It states they will match the significant superstore competitors’ flyer items. Each competitor is determined solely by them based on a number of factors, which can vary by store location. They reserve the right to limit quantities. They match identical items and will not match competitors’ multi-buys, clearance, etc., special discounts obtained by other people’s loyalty programs.

Fresh co grocery store lgoo

FreshCo grocery stores are most widely found in Ontario. Still, they have been making themselves on the West Coast with some locations in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, and maybe other provinces.

The price match policy “Lowest Price Guaranteed” is similar to other grocery stores; they will only match select “major supermarket competitors.” You can show them the flyer or receipt within 14 days of purchase, and they will give you the flyer or receipt of the item for a Penny less. Frescho has a limit to 2 identical products/flavours.

Save on Foods price Match

Save on Foods 

Save on Foods has grocery stores in Western Canada ( BC, AB, SK, MT) and the Yukon territory.

The price match policy is only for the Western Family brand.

“any identical Western Family grocery item (size, etc.) on the current list of Western Family & National Brand Equivalent (subject to change), you are entitled to one (1) item per product family free of charge: The price match policy excludes mandatory ‘multi-buys’ % discounts and discontinued items.

Canada Stores that Price Match List | Price Match Canada

Giant Tiger has stores across Canada, except for British Columbia and Newfoundland.

Giant Tiger’s “Ad Match Guarantee” price match policy will beat the advertised price of any local competitor offering identical items, and you will get the item for 1 Cent less. Like other price-match policies, it does not include combination promotions Buy2 Get one free, online offers, rebates, percentages, and clearance sales.

Maxi Logo

Maxi is a part of the Loblaws Chain and only has stores in Quebec.

Maxi’s price match guarantee if you find a competitor’s advertisement during its effective date, they will match it. All price matching is limited to 4 items.

Price Matching compare items

Tips on Grocery Store Ad matching!

  • Print off their ad match policy and bring it with you.
  • Separate your groceries with the items you are planning to “Match” and do them either first or last and prepare to do them at once to make the whole transaction faster.
  • If you are unsuccessful in your attempt to match, ask for a manager

Price matching + Additional Price Difference

  • Home Depot – has a Price Match Guarantee for both online and offline and gets 10% off competitor prices.
  • Kitchen Stuff Plus will beat any competitor with an additional 10% off. Local Retailers only.
  • Lowe’s will price match and beat by 10% off. 
  • Visions Electronic Store – 15% off both online and offline. Price matching excludes Sony products.
  • Rakuten Kobo: – Will match + 10% off Digital books, including online three days.
  • Hakim Optical will beat by 10% additional off!

Canadian Retail Store

These Canadian Retail Stores Will Price Match

  • Best Buy Canada has a price match guarantee but seems to only purchase in person within 30 days of purchase.
  • Staples Store – They still have a Price Match Guarantee within 14 days of purchase
  • Office Depot – will price-match local competitors within 14 days of purchase.
  • London Drugs – 15-day guarantee
  • Hudson’s Bay Company – will price match for seven days after purchase.
  • Giant Tiger  – Ad matches both online and offline
  • – Ad matches both online and offline
  • The Brick – will ad match for up to 30 days after purchase.
  • Leon’s Furniture – will match for up to 60 days after purchase.

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How to Save on Groceries and Shop on a Budget

Can you match the price and use a coupon?

Yes, the short answer is yes, usually, but always read the store’s price match guarantee before confronting a cashier about the issue if one arrives.

Does Shoppers Drug Mart’s price match?

No, they do not. But does participate in the Scanning Code of Practice known as SCOP.